Sermons on Hebrews
Share Love Through Kind Actions (Topic: Service)
Sermon audio from Sunday 8/28/2022 at Immanuel UMC.
Share Love Between Now and Then (Presence)
Sermon audio from Sunday 8/07/2022 at Immanuel UMC.
Promise Keeper
Week 3 of our Who You Are series based on the song “Way Maker”.
Stronger Together
Suit Up: Shield of Faith
Keys to 2018:Persevere
Sermon Audio from 2/11/18 at Immanuel UMC. Conclusion of the keys to 2018 sermon series. Hebrews 12:1-3
Cloud of Witnesses
Sermon Audio from All Saint’s Sunday at Immanuel UMC from Hebrews 12:1-3